Saturday, June 27, 2009

Blahg entree.

I may or may not be gaining weight.

Why am I hungry all zee time? Like, I never even used to eat breakfast, and this morning, I ate scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast, and some chocolate, and I'm still craving something...
I wanna go to the panaderia and get some tres leches or flan. duhhhlishis.

Diana and I taught english classes three days last week. It was exhausting. We worked seriously 15 hour days- waking up at 7 to leave to Huaycan, teaching four classes a day, getting back to the office at 3, scrounging up some lunch, then preparing lessons for the next four classes until midnight or later with dinner and maybe a nap in there somewhere.

I think my spanish is getting better. Do I say that every week? Bueno burrito me gusta!

James is going to be home in 2 weeks! I can't even believe it. It seems like he has been gone forever. I feel like a little girl.

Who reads this? Am I writing to myself? What is the meaning of existence? If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear it? I mean.. does it make a sound?

And now, a tribute to the late Michael Jackson.

Long live the beat.

1 comment:

  1. you, Annie dear, are so funny!
    I miss you and I CANNOT believe James is coming home so soon. crazy, i mean LOCO. I'm glad your Espanol is getting better. Mine is non- existant. Well, I do sometimes talk to the cooks at Macaroni Grill where I work. They call me chica, and when their really mad they say, "PUTA MADRE". That can't be good.
    MISS YOU! also, you could gain 50 pounds and still be a bean pole.
    and I love when I get on your blog and I hear Alexi Murdoch. good shteef.
