We've been clubbing.
We've been bowling.
We've been eating delish food.
We've been everywhere man, we've been everywhere.
Blake, the first intern who had been here for five months, left on Wednesday. We'll miss him.
As far as office work goes, we work every Monday through Friday, nine to six, with a... shall we say... "flexible" lunch/siesta. Sometimes we work right through lunch, sometimes we work late into the nights, sometimes we work weekends. We've all been really busy preparing for our upcoming gala (an event put on every year to raise funds) and it's easy to work over-time when you work and eat and sleep in the same place. It's a strange feeling, as well as living and working and doing almost everything with the same four people. We do what we can to get out and find a change in scenery.
Lately I've been designing new business cards for the Peru office, designing a big poster to advertise the gala, preparing lessons and homework and teaching English classes with Diana in Huaycan, and trying to write a paper... Lots to do! It's good to be busy and I love it.
Some other cool news is that we [the four interns] just bought tickets to go to Cuzco after the gala at the end of July, we're stoked!
You're so cool, and you're in PERU.woo hoo